South Australia’s clean marine waters are home to some of the most sought after seafood in the world. Iconic species such as King George Whiting, Snapper and premium shellfish including Western King Prawns, Blue Swimmer Crabs and Calamari; as well as the celebrated delicacies of Southern Rock Lobster and Abalone feature on restaurant menus everywhere.


    At Parissos Seafood’s we care about the environment. We care about where our fish come from, who catches them, how they catch them & when they catch them. We do not believe but rather detest the mentality of “oh there’s plenty here, let’s take them all”. Greed is not good and there are many examples of how man’s greed has damaged the world’s most beautiful natural resources. 

    • We prefer our fish to be line caught rather than net caught.
    • We avoid the capture of breeding fish with egg or spawn.
    • We prefer to deal with companies and fishermen that have good business practices & are also environmentally aware.
    • We choose products that are from sustainable fisheries.


    Why do we care? That’s easy to answer. We care because we love what we do & hope that we can set a good example for future generations. If we can look after our fish stocks today then there will always be the opportunity for others to benefit tomorrow.




68 Langham Pl, Port Adelaide SA 5015

 (08) 8447 4177

 (08) 8241 0346

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